Tuesday, September 13, 2022



I may have written about this before, I'm not sure.  But it's my blog so I can repeat myself if I want.

I find myself more and more thinking in terms of moving to a senior independent living building here in the city.  I'm tired of owning and having to deal with repairs etc, I like the idea of renting and things like plumbing, appliances etc not being my problems to deal with.  It just feels so freeing to think in those terms.

Also, I'd be in a building with only other seniors - no kids, young partying people and all that youthful enthusiasm which anymore just leaves me feeling annoyed and tired.

I don't know how soon this will come about but knowing myself I know that in a sense the decision has already been made and it's just a matter of time until I'm ready.

Already I find myself clearing things out and thinking of what else I can get rid of.

I was thinking of fitting into a (slightly) smaller space and I realize that most of my furniture I would be quite happy to get rid of and replace just what was necessary.  I have been a minimalist for years and am always eliminating things, but making this move could be a chance to really pare down.

Also, the more I eliminate the less there will be for my executor to deal with.

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