Saturday, September 3, 2022

Dinner Out - Sigh

I should enjoy going out to dinner.  It's a chance to see friends and socialize.  After all the isolation of the last couple of years I should be glad of the company.  And I am- to a degree - but, due to the pandemic or not, I find I have to make myself do social things.  I have always been quite happy being on my own but in the past I generally looked forward to spending at least some time with others.

As I get older I find I prefer going out to lunch.  Going out to dinner is more expensive, the food choices are usually fancier and more likely to cause stomach troubles, people drink more at dinner (and I don't drink and don't enjoy being around people after they have had enough to drink that it shows), people tend to linger longer over dinner (and I only want to spend so much time with people, I get anxious to be by myself ),  and it means that I have to go home after dark and at my age I just feel vulnerable navigating the evening world.

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