Tuesday, April 26, 2022



Ontario seems to be treating the pandemic as "over" and people are getting back to a more "normal" life.  I think this is happening too soon but since I'm retired it's easier for me than for most to continue to limit contact and to continue to wear a mask - although a mask when others aren't wearing them is not nearly as protective.

But I'm realizing more and more that I'm used to being on my own and away from the world.  I've always been introverted and not that comfortable with people but I've found on the few occasions of late when I've been with friends that while it's nice to see them I'm glad when it's time to say goodbye and I can be on my own again.

I'm finding being in the busier world with more people incredibly annoying.  People just get on my nerves so much.  I just don't have the patience to deal with them.

I was considering going to visit some friends this summer but then the mere idea of coping with travel, of getting on a plane and being trapped in the air with humans just feels repulsive.  

At this point I don't know if I'm ever going to be willing, or able, to go back to life as it was.

Monday, April 18, 2022

Netflix: W1A


This British comedy is a delight.

As only the British can do comedy.

You have to pay attention though, the lines come fast and funny.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

April 13, 2022


It's been a while since I've been on here.

I've been dealing with a health issue, which now seems to be resolving well, and some other life issues which are mostly still up in the air.

Add to that the situation in Ukraine, and other places, a lot of the world really, and I just haven't felt like logging on.

I've continued to read and watch video stuff.  

I  recommend a movie called "Mass".

On Netflix:

W1A is excellent.

I'm enjoying Casual.

I'm watching season 2 of Bridgerton but finding it slow.  Maybe it's too much just more of season 1.

I was invited to the seaside by friends and was tempted but in the end travel anxiety and Covid concerns have won out and I've decided not to travel.

A friend promised to help me out with something but has let me down.

I have a manageable but annoying plumbing issue.  I called my regular plumbing service two weeks ago and they promised to call back, but haven't.  

A couple of medical personnel have promised to get back to me, days ago, and haven't.

I'm tired, I'm tired of dealing with things. I'm tired of owning a place and being responsible for upkeep. I'm considering moving to an independent living retirement type place.

On a positive note I've started clearing things out of my storage locker.  Lots of  "maybe I'll need it someday" stuff hitting the trash or building exchange area.