Saturday, June 20, 2020


I confess.

I'm not particularly unhappy about social isolation.  It is 14 weeks today since I saw a friend in person and I'm enjoying having this time completely to myself.

It's not that I don't like my friends or that I never want to see them again.  I'm an introvert and I have always enjoyed time on my own and this long run of it has been pretty wonderful.

One thing I have found is that not going out to restaurants and preparing almost all my own food has led to very few problems with my usually very touchy gut.

I also have not been drinking at all.

Usually getting together with friends involves drinks and meals and I always have problems trying to find plain food on restaurant menus.  I usually have one drink while others have several and then they have wine with their meal so by the end of the evening I'm sober and they're not and I'm stuck listing to their under the influence conversation.  And often I'm left with just water while they're "sipping" their last glass of wine for what feels like hours.

I'm never really comfortable being out in the world surrounded by people.  It's always such a relief to get home.  

So while I would never wish a pandemic on the world for me a least there's an upside.

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