Thursday, April 16, 2020

April 16.

I'm getting so comfortable being alone in my condo and not having to deal with world except remotely.  In a way I almost dread having to go back to the outside world.  I'm only going out for groceries or to take the recycling down once a week.  I'm not going for walks anymore because there are just too many people not making the effort to keep their distance.  It would be nice to see my friends but at the same time I feel relieved that I don't have to bother going to a restaurant and trying to find something on the menu that my fussy gut will tolerate.

I'm sorry that I'm going to miss seeing a lot of plants coming out.  One of favourite things is watching life return to the world in spring.  I find that brief period where the trees just have a faint green tinge of new leaves budding out very beautiful.

One problem with staying in is that I have to put up with the various clunks and bangs that I hear from the various neighbours.  It could be worse but at times it sends me into a startle response which I'm sure isn't good for my heart condition.   From morning until late evening I usually have multiple white noise machines, fans etc running.  I often leave them all on when I'm watching tv and use  headphones so that I can hear the audio.

I've worn a mask the last two times I've been to the grocery store but I have only a few of them.  I don't think I have the materials or the patience to sew a washable one, and I'm not at all convinced that they're that much good anyway.  The masks I have have been sitting in the closet for 30 years since my late father was on home kidney dialysis and the kidney center didn't want any open boxes of supplies returned.

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