Monday, April 6, 2020

Apr 6

Day something over three weeks.

I was out for groceries and a short walk on Saturday morning.  The streets were not too busy and most people were good about distancing, but not everyone, some just couldn't be bothered.  I went to a small store and it wasn't busy which was good.

I wasn't out yesterday but a friend who lives in the building beside mine was and he was amazed at how crowded the streets in the neighbourhood were.  But, it was a Sunday and it was nice weather that felt like spring, and people just naturally want to be outside on a day like that.

I think we may be at a point where the numbers in Toronto are really going to go up for a while (and then, I hope, come down) so I'm going to try and stay in now.  I don't need food but do at times want to get out in the outside air -  that's all, I don't want to go into shops or see anyone. But....

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