Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Shoes in the House


There seems to be this thing going on in the social media world.

Lots of people chiming in about being asked to remove their shoes when they visit someone's home.

I imagine this is mainly a "thing" in the US and Canada.  I believe there are lots of places in the world where it is assumed that you will remove your shoes when you enter someone's house.

Personally I think it is a really good idea.  We walk in buildings, on and off transit and on sidewalks - the very sidewalks where dogs pee and poo!  Why would we want to wear that footwear inside our clean homes?  I have friends who request no shoes and I am happy to comply.  I don't ask it of people who visit me because I just don't want the hassle if someone objects.  I don't have anyone over to visit all that often anyway.

However, there are people on the web who seem absolutely furious about the very idea and say they won't take their shoes off because it's somehow infringing on their freedom.  I just don't understand that attitude.  It's someone else's home.  It's their choice.  If you don't like it then don't enter.  

It's a matter of courtesy, of respecting others' rights, of behaving like an adult.

If someone came to my home and refused to do something I asked them to do or not do I would tell them to leave.  And never invite them again.

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