Monday, May 27, 2024

Baby Boomers' Parents


I've been thinking lately about the people who raised the Baby Boomer generation.

I was born in the first wave of the late 1940's.

My parents were born just before 1920 and lived through The Depression and The Second World War.

There would be Boomer babies born to people who themselves were born before 1910  and would have clear memories of The First World War, the Influenza Pandemic, The Depression and The Second World War.

Experiencing these huge events has to have made a deep impression on them and their view of the world.  These people had lived through perilous times and would have a clear sense of how fragile life is, and how easily things can be taken away from us, and both how cruel and how wonderful human beings can be.

There must have been studies done on how this affected their child rearing attitudes.  I need to try and find some.

1 comment:

  1. I found lots of sources and information by asking Meta AI.


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