Monday, May 4, 2020

May 4, 2020

Time goes on.  "They" say that the curve is flattening and some things are being allowed to open up, a bit, but when I see the daily statistics I can't help but feel that it's too soon and we should wait a little longer.

I understand how bad this is for businesses, especially small ones, but having the case load rise again is worse.  However, that is not up to me to decide, all I can do is try to isolate myself as much as possible.  I wear a mask whenever I go out now but I would like to find someplace where I can buy more.  I prefer a medical type mask to a cloth one since I don't think the cloth ones really do all that much good, although I grant that they're better than none at all.

I finally subscribed to Netflix last week so I have no shortage of video material.  I am a bit worried that I'm going to be doing little or no reading but I hope that is a short term thing.

Mentally I'm fine.  I'm introverted and while I enjoy having online contact with people I'm not bothered by not seeing them in person.

I've had one doctor's appointment turned into a phone consultation and another one postponed until August and I'm glad since they both would have involved going the doctor's office in a hospital.

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