"...a man in full retreat from life."
? Kurt Vonnegut ?
I almost certain that's a quote from a Kurt Vonnegut book but I can't remember which one and I had no success trying to search it.
In any case, it's a line I've been thinking about recently in regard to my own life. I doubt it's unique to me, and certainly not true for everyone, but I have been retreating from the world for several years now. Partly this is because of getting older but I think it's also because aging and being retired has allowed basic parts of my personality to come to the fore.
I think one of the first indicators was when I stopped going to movies because I had come to find audiences just too annoying to tolerate - partly because of their behaviours but also because I just didn't want to be stuck in a room with a bunch of people. Also having to be there at a set time seemed a bother in a world where most movies appear so quickly on at-home media. I remember in my thirties running out to see almost every movie the week it opened in the city and at some point I stopped feeling that need. My feelings about live theatre, concerts etc are much the same, if not more negative.
I have never liked parties. Even with groups that I know well I tend to be shy in larger gatherings so I end up hanging around not talking much and just waiting until I can leave without seeming rude. I'm reasonably comfortable in groups of up to six or so.
I am someone who has always been very comfortable being on my own. Back in my twenties and thirties at times I used to feel lonely and long for someone to share my life with but it's been a long time now since I have felt that. (Even then, when I was "dating" someone I would feel annoyed that they would feel that they had a claim on my time.) I still enjoy getting together with the (limited number of) people in my life but usually I am very happy when the occasion is over and I can go home and be on my own.
I dread having to interact with people. I show up for medical and dental appointments because it's the reasonable and necessary thing to do. I put off home repairs and do work arounds with issues as long as I possibly can since I don't want to deal with service people.
So yes, I'm in full retreat. This is aided by the online world that is so easily accessed - I can feel in contact with the outside world but not have to deal with it face to face.
I'm not concerned about this. I'm generally happy at home (except of course when my neighbours make noise!) and I don't miss the things I'm avoiding. It's like travelling - I know people get a lot out of seeing the world, and I have made a few trips, but when I'm away I'm always waiting to go home.
In any case, you can't have, do, see, experience everything. In the end you need to do what's right for you.