I was reading today and the author mentioned a picture of a milkweed. That reminded me that I once owned a picture, that I rather liked, of a milkweed and I wondered whatever became of it. I don't think it involved anything dramatic but I just don't recall it leaving my life.
During the last thirty years or so since I embraced minimalism there are so many things that have been discarded but those have been deliberate decisions that I remember making. I occasionally think of one of those things and say to myself, "Yes, that was a nice thing" but not in any sense of missing it or regretting letting go of it.
But there are those other things that now and then come to mind, things that were once part of life, that are simply gone.
In turn that leads to the realization of just how many many things I have owned over the years.
It would be nice if you could go back over your life and pull the things, the pieces of clothing, the books, movies, tv shows, types of food, moments, and people, everything that you really liked, into the present.