I've never liked lending books. Occasionally I would be talked, or shamed, or coerced into doing so and other than other book people, in spite of all the pious promises, most often they were never returned.
I used to shudder when a guest even glanced toward one of my bookcases. I wished I had a large enough place that I could have a locked room for a library where no one was ever allowed to enter. Or better still a secret second apartment that no one but me knew about - unfortunately that was never financially realistic. Actually, not because of books, but I still love the idea of having a second place that no one but me knows about.
As I became more of a minimalist I gradually dramatically downsized the number of books, and bookcases, that I own. Now I have less than 100 physical books that take up the two bottom shelves of my one bookcase. I keep that bookcase in the bedroom and pray that no one ever makes the effort to bend down and look at the titles. And no, I would not want to lend any of those really special books to anyone, not even a fellow book person.
That I guess is one advantage of ebooks. No one needs to even know what titles you own.