Sunday, January 6, 2019

I recently returned from a trip and took transit in from Pearson Airport in Toronto to the heart of the city where I live.

It was crowded and noisy and people were so impatient and crabby and obnoxious and unhappy.

It made me realize that I live in a sort of personal island downtown. I rarely take transit anywhere and as a retired person I'm able to do most errands on weekday mornings.   There is such a difference in the world after noon.

I also no longer go to public events like movies, theatre, the symphony, galleries etc.  This has been a gradual pulling away from the public world and the people in it.   I fill my time with books and video content that I can access at home.

I don't think I could live in this city anymore if I still worked and had to deal with transit and busy crabby people day after day.  If I weren't able to maintain my personal bubble I would have to move away.

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