Friday, January 25, 2019

"Your pants are out of style."

"Yes, but they're not worn out yet."

Saturday, January 12, 2019

I know it's just a subjective feeling but it seems that when there's an annoying person blocking the aisle or otherwise being a pain in the grocery they will continue to bother you, over and over, the whole time you're in the store.

Even if you move to the furthest aisle and work back from there somehow you keep running into them again and again.

It just feels sometimes like the universe is out to get you.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

I recently returned from a trip and took transit in from Pearson Airport in Toronto to the heart of the city where I live.

It was crowded and noisy and people were so impatient and crabby and obnoxious and unhappy.

It made me realize that I live in a sort of personal island downtown. I rarely take transit anywhere and as a retired person I'm able to do most errands on weekday mornings.   There is such a difference in the world after noon.

I also no longer go to public events like movies, theatre, the symphony, galleries etc.  This has been a gradual pulling away from the public world and the people in it.   I fill my time with books and video content that I can access at home.

I don't think I could live in this city anymore if I still worked and had to deal with transit and busy crabby people day after day.  If I weren't able to maintain my personal bubble I would have to move away.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

It's so annoying when someone asks you a question about yourself and then interrupts your answer and you realize that the only reason they asked was so that they could talk about something about themselves.