Sunday, December 15, 2024



Sometimes you meet someone

on vacation,  

or through work,


and never see them again,

but you remember them

all your life.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Time Flies

I was told long ago that as we age time seems to pass more quickly and it has proven to be true.  I have noted this in the last few years but last Sunday the fact seemed to hit hard.  I usually do laundry on Sundays and last week as I was sorting clothes I was struck so clearly with the sensation that I had just done laundry the day before.  It was as though the whole previous week had not even happened.  It was a disturbing sensation.

There's nothing to be done about it.  Time moves more quickly as we age.  But it does seem rather cruel that as our remaining days become fewer they pass so fast.

Friday, December 13, 2024


It's an unpopular thing to say around my friends but I actually like winter.

It's much easier to warm up when it's cold than it is to cool down when it's hot and humid. 

People stay inside more and the streets are less busy for walking.

People don't stay out as long with their barking dogs.

People don't stay outside making noise in general for as long as they do in warm weather.

I like wearing sweaters.  I like the shorter days.  

I agree that snow storms can be daunting and I do worry about slipping and falling on icy sidewalks but when I can bundle up and go for a walk on a cold sunny day with no wind like today I am so happy.