I have been living a minimalist life, downsizing and trying to keep possessions to a minimum since the 1990s.
Lately I've been thinking about books, keeping them or letting them go.
Mostly I don't regret clearing out the majority of my books but I've realized that there is justification for keeping books that you've read. If you have a physical copy of a book you can check back to remind yourself of the content and particularly of the ending. Just having it there provides an awareness of what is was about, what it meant to you. I mainly buy ebooks now and they are always there but it's not the same as having them on a shelf. I find at times when I'm opening an ebook that I will look at what I've recently read and it's like I remember it but I have in a way forgotten about reading it. A book on a shelf keeps you aware that you've read it.
So one of the things in life with contradictory feelings connected to it. I like having books around but I don't like clutter or owning a lot of things.