Thursday, December 30, 2021

Dec 30, 2021


Almost the end of the year.

I spent time with friend Christmas Eve and for dinner on Christmas Day.  So far no indication that any of us got sick.  With the current numbers of infections in Ontario getting together may not have been the best idea but we were all vaccinated and asymptomatic and the number of people was well below the recommended 10.

I have no plans for any social contact in the foreseeable future.

On Netflix:

Power of the Dog.  It seemed slow at the start but by the end I realized what a joy it was to watch a film that took time for the story to unfold.  This was one of the best movies I've seen this year, or in the last few years.

Don't Look Up.  This was just wonderful.  

I've been watching lots of things this month but these two were real standouts.

I've also been eating a lot of things this month.  I've gained weight.  The problem now is to get through the days without constantly using food as a reward.

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Dec 16, 2021


November and December have been much like the last 18 months.  Groceries, library and limited contact with other people.  To the dentist for hygiene and a small filling.

I have twice gotten together with one friend for dinner.  

I'm invited to a small gathering on Christmas Eve and a dinner on Christmas Day.  However, the daily case numbers in Ontario have taken off again and I think both those events may be cancelled for safety reasons.  Which is fine - it would be nice to see people but still, I'm quite happy being home on my own reading and watching Christmas movies. 

"Single All The Way" on Netflix is happy gay fun.  Thank you Netflix.