Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Movie: Five (1951)


I watched this movie this week (thank you Tubi) for the first time in at least fifty years.  I remembered it so clearly from seeing it all those years ago as a child.  I was surprised how accurate my memory of it is. It certainly made an impression on me back then and I am pleased that I still find it such a good film.

I have looked up reviews of it and while it is overall well thought of I feel that it has been underrated.  I imagine a lot of that has to do with it being thought of as a sci-fi/horror flick and nothing more.  (I do not mean to denigrate sci-fi/horror - I am a lover of the genre, particularly those from the 1950s).

I think there is a lot more going on than just the framework  post-apocalyptic story.  To me it's more about the characters and people in general, in the same way Lord of the Flies is about more than a bunch of schoolboys having an adventure.

It should be noted that when this was made the story of a post-atomic world was a new thing, not yet a bit of a cliche.

I'm very fond of black and white photography and this is very well done here,  There's a grandeur captured in many scenes, a feeling that what is happening to these people is important.  (It reminds me somewhat of the cinematography in films of Leni Riefenstahl (she's a controversial figure but she knew how to use film.)).  I particularly like that so much is conveyed visually without dialogue or commentary (often in just one or two simple shots) - which is something that should happen in a visual media.  

Many reviews commented on the fact that these were unknown actors, as though that made their performances somehow lesser.  All of them were excellent - I have no quibbles at all with any of them.

Saturday, January 11, 2025



I've lived in this building for twenty years and I've noticed such a difference in noise.

The first few years I almost never heard a sound from inside the building (unless someone was doing actual construction or they were vacuuming the hallways etc) but now I hear all sorts of random clunks and bangs from early morning until late evening.  

The population of this condo has changed over the years and now there are a lot of young (i.e. under 50!) people living here.

I've noticed that many people on this hallway seem incapable of shutting their main door quietly.  They just pull it shut with a thump, or just let it bang shut on its own.

I was wondering if this is because young people just do not have quiet in their lives.  Ever.  They're constantly listening to something or someone so they never experience an absence of noise.  Judging by all the ear buds and such that I see I suspect they are totally addicted to having some sound.  For example the people wandering around this summer, not using ear plugs, and blasting music out of some device and subjecting all the neighbourhood around them to their choice of music.  Or workmen who seem to be incapable of doing outside work on a house unless their radio (truck or portable ) is blaring away.       Quiet is just not a part of their lives.

I've no doubt nattered on about this in other posts since I am a lover of quiet and unwanted noise has been a huge issue for me all of my adult life.


Thursday, January 2, 2025

Looking Forward

Another year starting.  Of course a time for remembering and looking to the future.   Usually a time of year when it feels like a fresh start.

I find that something has changed this year.  

I think as we go through life we often think of things that we would like to do "someday".  Or places we would like to go "someday".  Or that we will find love, or a better career, or a great place to live -- "someday".

But I'm old now and I realize I'm not thinking in those terms anymore.  I don't think my life is going to change drastically - at least at my instigation, health issues and such could force change upon me - I don't think I'll be travelling anymore or falling in love or accomplishing anything much or really doing anything other than my day to day life as it is.  Not that I'm not enjoying my life.  I just don't think there's time left for new things.

Sunday, December 15, 2024



Sometimes you meet someone

on vacation,  

or through work,


and never see them again,

but you remember them

all your life.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Time Flies

I was told long ago that as we age time seems to pass more quickly and it has proven to be true.  I have noted this in the last few years but last Sunday the fact seemed to hit hard.  I usually do laundry on Sundays and last week as I was sorting clothes I was struck so clearly with the sensation that I had just done laundry the day before.  It was as though the whole previous week had not even happened.  It was a disturbing sensation.

There's nothing to be done about it.  Time moves more quickly as we age.  But it does seem rather cruel that as our remaining days become fewer they pass so fast.

Friday, December 13, 2024


It's an unpopular thing to say around my friends but I actually like winter.

It's much easier to warm up when it's cold than it is to cool down when it's hot and humid. 

People stay inside more and the streets are less busy for walking.

People don't stay out as long with their barking dogs.

People don't stay outside making noise in general for as long as they do in warm weather.

I like wearing sweaters.  I like the shorter days.  

I agree that snow storms can be daunting and I do worry about slipping and falling on icy sidewalks but when I can bundle up and go for a walk on a cold sunny day with no wind like today I am so happy.

Monday, November 11, 2024

TV: Only Murders in the Building (Season 4)

And they're back!

And in good form.   Our trio are together rather than apart.

And there were some very nice human moments.  I hesitate to use the word poignant because it has connotations of being maudlin but for  me, while the program as a whole is a delight to watch, these moments just add something special.

Agatha Christie did this in her writing.  Her books were primarily mysteries but she often showed something of the human consequences of the deeds in her stories.  I think this is one of the reasons why her work has remained so popular.